How Digital Marketing Has Transformed Customer Interactions

Posted by Jeff Evans on Jan 23, 2019 9:45:00 AM
Jeff Evans
Digital Marketing

The internet offers an unprecedented wealth of convenient information. When marketing and commerce ventured into the worldwide web, the way businesses interacted with customers changed forever. Digital marketing has expanded the audience businesses can reach and intensified customer communication.

Websites and Blogs

Customers increasingly rely on websites to provide them with the help they seek. In fact, 33 to 50 percent of modern consumers expect company websites to provide most if not all the information they require. If customers cannot readily find information on a specific website, they will look to a corresponding blog.

Email and Social

Email marketing and social media have become two of the most powerful revenue-generating tools for the majority of businesses. Even for companies that are not online, a social media presence is necessary to garner and maintain customer relations. Not only do you want to establish as much of an online presence as possible, but you also want to put your business in front of people where they spend most of their time. In an era in which people no longer converse over the phone or attend physical meetings with salespeople, social media is the best means to build your clients' trust. By using sites like Facebook or Instagram, you also can build your brand and image much quicker. Because of its private and personal nature, email has long been the most effective way to gain customers and generate sales. Email and social media marketing together make one of the most successful channels of direct communication with potential customers.

Text Messaging

Like social media, text messaging can be a highly interactive way to communicate with your clients. It resembles email in its personal nature. Almost all consumers prefer to interact via text messaging. This makes a marketing strategy via business text messaging easy and effective. You can directly send polls to engage customers or multimedia messages to attract their attention. Coupons spark their interest and make them more inclined to think there is something beneficial for them in a business relationship with you. A text message often provides the simplest avenue to build customer anticipation and loyalty.

Organic Search

Once you have a beautiful, informative, user-friendly website, half your work is finished. However, a website is no good to you or your potential customers unless it generates traffic. Your goal in organic search marketing is to have people punch in a few keywords or a keyword phrase and find your website appearing as one of their top options. Utilizing organic search is so powerful because it does not rely on paid clicks or expensive advertising. Organic search often proves fruitful when you provide high-quality information your customers can use. You will likely keep those customers for the long term. If you can accomplish search engine optimization by giving your website valuable content, you may convert a person who is merely seeking information into a customer who is ready to make a purchase. Over 90 percent of all online transactions commence with typing keywords into Google or another search engine. Digital marketing opens massive opportunities for securing new leads and retaining customers. It is such a fundamentally strong means of communication that it has transformed the way businesses interact with their customers. You'll find that it produces the most satisfying results when you utilize strategies in combination.


For SEO, content marketing, email marketing, Google and Facebook ads, let Evans Design help you achieve the success you need! Book an online face to face meeting today!

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